6 USC 1144: Limitation on fines and civil penalties
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6 USC 1144: Limitation on fines and civil penalties Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
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§1144. Limitation on fines and civil penalties

(a) Inspectors

Surface transportation inspectors shall be prohibited from issuing fines to public transportation agencies for violations of the Department's regulations or orders except through the process described in subsection (b).

(b) Civil penalties

The Secretary shall be prohibited from assessing civil penalties against public transportation agencies for violations of the Department's regulations or orders, except in accordance with the following:

(1) In the case of a public transportation agency that is found to be in violation of a regulation or order issued by the Secretary, the Secretary shall seek correction of the violation through a written notice to the public transportation agency and shall give the public transportation agency reasonable opportunity to correct the violation or propose an alternative means of compliance acceptable to the Secretary.

(2) If the public transportation agency does not correct the violation or propose an alternative means of compliance acceptable to the Secretary within a reasonable time period that is specified in the written notice, the Secretary may take any action authorized in section 114 of title 49.

(c) Limitation on Secretary

The Secretary shall not initiate civil enforcement actions for violations of administrative and procedural requirements pertaining to the application for and expenditure of funds awarded under transportation security grant programs under this subchapter.

( Pub. L. 110–53, title XIV, §1415, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 422 .)