42 USC 300mm-33: Followup monitoring and treatment of other individuals with WTC-related health conditions
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42 USC 300mm-33: Followup monitoring and treatment of other individuals with WTC-related health conditions Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
From Title 42-THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARECHAPTER 6A-PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICESUBCHAPTER XXXI-WORLD TRADE CENTER HEALTH PROGRAMPart B-Program of Monitoring, Initial Health Evaluations, and Treatmentsubpart 2-wtc survivors
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§300mm–33. Followup monitoring and treatment of other individuals with WTC-related health conditions

(a) In general

Subject to subsection (c), the provisions of section 300mm–32 of this title shall apply to the followup monitoring and treatment of WTC-related health conditions in the case of individuals described in subsection (b) in the same manner as such provisions apply to the followup monitoring and treatment of WTC-related health conditions for certified-eligible WTC survivors.

(b) Individuals described

An individual described in this subsection is an individual who, regardless of location of residence-

(1) is not an enrolled WTC responder or a certified-eligible WTC survivor; and

(2) is diagnosed at a Clinical Center of Excellence with a WTC-related health condition for certified-eligible WTC survivors.

(c) Limitation

(1) In general

The WTC Program Administrator shall limit benefits for any fiscal year under subsection (a) in a manner so that payments under this section for such fiscal year do not exceed the amount specified in paragraph (2) for such fiscal year.

(2) Limitation

The amount specified in this paragraph for-

(A) the last calendar quarter of fiscal year 2011 is $5,000,000;

(B) fiscal year 2012 is $20,000,000; or

(C) a succeeding fiscal year is the amount specified in this paragraph for the previous fiscal year increased by the annual percentage increase in the medical care component of the consumer price index for all urban consumers.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title XXXIII, §3323, as added Pub. L. 111–347, title I, §101, Jan. 2, 2011, 124 Stat. 3652 .)