42 USC 290a: Victims of fire
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42 USC 290a: Victims of fire Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025

§290a. Victims of fire

(a) Research on burns, burn injuries, and rehabilitation

The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall establish, within the National Institutes of Health and in cooperation with the Administrator of FEMA, an expanded program of research on burns, treatment of burn injuries, and rehabilitation of victims of fires. The National Institutes of Health shall-

(1) sponsor and encourage the establishment throughout the Nation of twenty-five additional burn centers, which shall comprise separate hospital facilities providing specialized burn treatment and including research and teaching programs and twenty-five additional burn units, which shall comprise specialized facilities in general hospitals used only for burn victims;

(2) provide training and continuing support of specialists to staff the new burn centers and burn units;

(3) sponsor and encourage the establishment of ninety burn programs in general hospitals which comprise staffs of burn injury specialists;

(4) provide special training in emergency care for burn victims;

(5) augment sponsorship of research on burns and burn treatment;

(6) administer and support a systematic program of research concerning smoke inhalation injuries; and

(7) sponsor and support other research and training programs in the treatment and rehabilitation of burn injury victims.

(b) Authorization of appropriations

For purposes of this section, there are authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $5,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1975 and not to exceed $8,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1976.

( Pub. L. 93–498, §19, Oct. 29, 1974, 88 Stat. 1547 ; Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §509(b), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 695 ; Pub. L. 106–503, title I, §110(a)(2)(B)(vii), Nov. 13, 2000, 114 Stat. 2302 ; Pub. L. 112–239, div. A, title XVIII, §1802(b)(1), Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2100 .)

Editorial Notes


Section was enacted as part of the Federal Fire Prevention and Control Act of 1974 (which is classified principally to chapter 49 (§2201 et seq.) of Title 15), and not as a part of the Public Health Service Act which comprises this chapter.


2013-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 112–239 substituted "Administrator of FEMA" for "Director" in introductory provisions.

2000-Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 106–503 substituted "in cooperation with the Director" for "in cooperation with the Secretary".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

"Secretary of Health and Human Services" substituted for "Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare" in subsec. (a) pursuant to section 509(b) of Pub. L. 96–88, which is classified to section 3508(b) of Title 20, Education.

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of all functions, personnel, assets, components, authorities, grant programs, and liabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including the functions of the Under Secretary for Federal Emergency Management relating thereto, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, see section 315(a)(1) of Title 6, Domestic Security.

For transfer of functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including the functions of the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency relating thereto, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see former section 313(1) and sections 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.


For definition of terms used in this section, see section 2203 of Title 15, Commerce and Trade.