42 USC 239l-1: Administration
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42 USC 239l-1: Administration Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
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§239l–1. Administration

(a) In general

The business of the Track shall be conducted by the Surgeon General with funds appropriated for and provided by the Department of Health and Human Services. The National Health Care Workforce Commission shall assist the Surgeon General in an advisory capacity.

(b) Faculty

(1) In general

The Surgeon General, after considering the recommendations of the National Health Care Workforce Commission, shall obtain the services of such professors, instructors, and administrative and other employees as may be necessary to operate the Track, but utilize when possible, existing affiliated health professions training institutions. Members of the faculty and staff shall be employed under salary schedules and granted retirement and other related benefits prescribed by the Secretary so as to place the employees of the Track faculty on a comparable basis with the employees of fully accredited schools of the health professions within the United States.

(2) Titles

The Surgeon General may confer academic titles, as appropriate, upon the members of the faculty.

(3) Nonapplication of provisions

The limitations in section 5373 of title 5 shall not apply to the authority of the Surgeon General under paragraph (1) to prescribe salary schedules and other related benefits.

(c) Agreements

The Surgeon General may negotiate agreements with agencies of the Federal Government to utilize on a reimbursable basis appropriate existing Federal medical resources located in the United States (or locations selected in accordance with section 239l(a)(2) of this title). Under such agreements the facilities concerned will retain their identities and basic missions. The Surgeon General may negotiate affiliation agreements with accredited universities and health professions training institutions in the United States. Such agreements may include provisions for payments for educational services provided students participating in Department of Health and Human Services educational programs.

(d) Programs

The Surgeon General may establish the following educational programs for Track students:

(1) Postdoctoral, postgraduate, and technological programs.

(2) A cooperative program for medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing students.

(3) Other programs that the Surgeon General determines necessary in order to operate the Track in a cost-effective manner.

(e) Continuing medical education

The Surgeon General shall establish programs in continuing medical education for members of the health professions to the end that high standards of health care may be maintained within the United States.

(f) Authority of the Surgeon General

(1) In general

The Surgeon General is authorized-

(A) to enter into contracts with, accept grants from, and make grants to any nonprofit entity for the purpose of carrying out cooperative enterprises in medical, dental, physician assistant, pharmacy, behavioral and mental health, public health, and nursing research, consultation, and education;

(B) to enter into contracts with entities under which the Surgeon General may furnish the services of such professional, technical, or clerical personnel as may be necessary to fulfill cooperative enterprises undertaken by the Track;

(C) to accept, hold, administer, invest, and spend any gift, devise, or bequest of personal property made to the Track, including any gift, devise, or bequest for the support of an academic chair, teaching, research, or demonstration project;

(D) to enter into agreements with entities that may be utilized by the Track for the purpose of enhancing the activities of the Track in education, research, and technological applications of knowledge; and

(E) to accept the voluntary services of guest scholars and other persons.

(2) Limitation

The Surgeon General may not enter into any contract with an entity if the contract would obligate the Track to make outlays in advance of the enactment of budget authority for such outlays.

(3) Scientists

Scientists or other medical, dental, or nursing personnel utilized by the Track under an agreement described in paragraph (1) may be appointed to any position within the Track and may be permitted to perform such duties within the Track as the Surgeon General may approve.

(4) Volunteer services

A person who provides voluntary services under the authority of subparagraph (E) of paragraph (1) shall be considered to be an employee of the Federal Government for the purposes of chapter 81 of title 5, relating to compensation for work-related injuries, and to be an employee of the Federal Government for the purposes of chapter 171 of title 28, relating to tort claims. Such a person who is not otherwise employed by the Federal Government shall not be considered to be a Federal employee for any other purpose by reason of the provision of such services.

(July 1, 1944, ch. 373, title II, §272, as added Pub. L. 111–148, title V, §5315, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 637 .)