42 USC 13281: Program and solicitation
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42 USC 13281: Program and solicitation Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
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§13281. Program and solicitation

(a) Program

The Secretary shall conduct a program to demonstrate electric motor vehicles and the associated equipment of such vehicles, in consultation with the Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Program Site Operators, manufacturers, the electric utility industry, and such other persons as the Secretary considers appropriate. Such program shall be-

(1) designed to accelerate the development and use of electric motor vehicles; and

(2) structured to evaluate the performance of such electric motor vehicles in field operation, including fleet operation, and evaluate the necessary supporting infrastructure.

(b) Solicitation

(1) Not later than 18 months after October 24, 1992, the Secretary shall solicit proposals to demonstrate electric motor vehicles and associated equipment in one or more eligible metropolitan areas. The Secretary may make additional solicitations for proposals if the Secretary determines that such solicitations are necessary to carry out this part.

(2)(A) Solicitations for proposals under this subsection shall require the proposer to include a description, including the manufacturer or manufacturers of the electric motor vehicles; the proposed users of the electric motor vehicles; the eligible metropolitan area or areas involved; the number of electric motor vehicles to be demonstrated and their type, characteristics, and life-cycle costs; the price differential; the proposed discount payment; the contributions of State or local governments and other persons to the demonstration project; the type of associated equipment to be demonstrated; the domestic content of the electric motor vehicles and associated equipment; and any other information the Secretary considers appropriate.

(B) If the proposal includes a lease arrangement, the proposal shall indicate the terms of such lease arrangement for the electric motor vehicles or associated equipment.

(3) The solicitation for proposals under this subsection shall establish a closing date for receipt of proposals. The Secretary may, if necessary, extend the closing date for receipt of proposals for a period not to exceed 90 days.

( Pub. L. 102–486, title VI, §611, Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 2900 .)