§2001. Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the special needs of homeless veterans.
Editorial Notes
Prior Provisions
A prior section 2001 was renumbered section 4101 of this title.
Another prior section 2001,
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Authorization for Secretary of Veterans Affairs To Use Certain Funds for Improved Flexibility in Assistance to Homeless Veterans
"(1) food, shelter, clothing, blankets, and hygiene items required for the safety and survival of the veteran;
"(2) transportation required to support the stability and health of the veteran for appointments with service providers, the conduct of housing and employment searches, and the obtainment of food and supplies; and
"(3) tablets, smartphones, disposable phones and other technology, and related service plans required to support the stability and health of the veteran through the maintenance of contact with service providers, prospective landlords, and family members.
"(1) a statement, disaggregated by each medical center of the Department of Veterans Affairs, of the amount of funds under this section-
"(A) each such medical center requested from the Secretary; and
"(B) to which the Secretary provided each such medical center;
"(2) data, disaggregated by each such medical center, relating to how each such medical center used amounts provided by the Secretary under this section;
"(3) the number of covered veterans to which the Secretary provided assistance under this section;
"(4) the total amount of assistance the Secretary provided to covered veterans pursuant to subsection (a)(3) for communications equipment, broken down by the type of equipment provided;
"(5) the total amount of assistance the Secretary provided covered veterans pursuant to subsection (a)(2) for ridesharing;
"(6) the number of covered veterans who received such assistance; and
"(7) a description, for each rideshare used by a covered veteran with such assistance, of the reasons such covered veteran used such rideshare.
"(8) the number of covered veterans who lived or slept on Department land;
"(9) the amount of funds used to make available Department land for covered veterans to live and sleep;
"(10) the number of Department employees whose primary responsibilities involved providing services for covered veterans living or sleeping on Department land;
"(11) the average length of time a covered veteran lived or slept on Department land, and
"(12) the period of time the Secretary expects Department land will be made available for covered veterans to live and sleep.
"(1) a homeless veteran, as such term is defined in section 2002 of title 38, United States Code; and
"(2) a veteran participating in the program carried out under section 8(o)(19) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(o)(19))."
Annual Reports
National Goal To End Homelessness Among Veterans
Sense of the Congress Regarding the Needs of Homeless Veterans and the Responsibility of Federal Agencies
"(1) homelessness is a significant problem in the veterans community and veterans are disproportionately represented among homeless men;
"(2) while many effective programs assist homeless veterans to again become productive and self-sufficient members of society, current resources provided to such programs and other activities that assist homeless veterans are inadequate to provide all needed essential services, assistance, and support to homeless veterans;
"(3) the most effective programs for the assistance of homeless veterans should be identified and expanded;
"(4) federally funded programs for homeless veterans should be held accountable for achieving clearly defined results;
"(5) Federal efforts to assist homeless veterans should include prevention of homelessness; and
"(6) Federal agencies, particularly the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Labor, should cooperate more fully to address the problem of homelessness among veterans."
Evaluation Centers for Homeless Veterans Programs
Definitions in Pub. L. 107–95
"(1) The term 'homeless veteran' has the meaning given such term in section 2002 of title 38, United States Code, as added by section 5(a)(1).
"(2) The term 'grant and per diem provider' means an entity in receipt of a grant under section 2011 or 2012 of title 38, United States Code, as so added."