33 USC 701b-6: Examinations and surveys by Secretary of Agriculture
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33 USC 701b-6: Examinations and surveys by Secretary of Agriculture Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025

§701b–6. Examinations and surveys by Secretary of Agriculture

That, in order to further the declaration of policy and principles declared in sections 701a and 701b of this title, and to supplement the preliminary examinations and surveys which the Secretary of the Army has heretofore been, or is hereafter, authorized and directed to make of waterways with a view to the control of their floods, the Secretary of Agriculture be, and he is, authorized and directed to cause preliminary examinations and surveys to be made for run-off and water-flow retardation and soil-erosion prevention on the watersheds of said waterways, the costs thereof to be paid from appropriations heretofore or hereafter made for such purposes.

(Aug. 28, 1937, ch. 877, §3, 50 Stat. 877 ; Jan. 19, 1948, ch. 2, §1, 62 Stat. 4 ; July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, §205(a), 61 Stat. 501 .)

Editorial Notes


1948-Act Jan. 19, 1948, inserted "or is hereafter" after "heretofore been" to make section applicable to future preliminary surveys and examinations.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Department of War designated Department of the Army and title of Secretary of War changed to Secretary of the Army by section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, ch. 343, title II, 61 Stat. 501 . Section 205(a) of act July 26, 1947, was repealed by section 53 of act Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 641 . Section 1 of act Aug. 10, 1956, enacted "Title 10, Armed Forces" which in sections 3010 to 3013 continued Department of the Army under administrative supervision of Secretary of the Army.