22 USC 3372: Strategy to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations
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22 USC 3372: Strategy to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
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§3372. Strategy to support Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations

(a) In general

Not later than 180 days after December 23, 2022, the Secretary of State, in consultation with other Federal departments and agencies as appropriate, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a strategy-

(1) to advance Taiwan"s 1 meaningful participation in a prioritized set of international organizations (IOs); and

(2) that responds to growing pressure from the PRC on foreign governments, IOs, commercial actors, and civil society organizations to comply with its "One-China Principle", with respect to Taiwan.

(b) Matters to be included

The strategy required under subsection (a) should include the following elements:

(1) An assessment of the methods the PRC uses to coerce actors to into adhering to its "One-China Principle." The methods should include those employed against governments, IOs, and civil society organizations. The assessment should also include pressure on commercial actors, to the extent it is relevant in the context of Taiwan's meaningful participation in IOs.

(2) An assessment of the policies of foreign governments toward the PRC and Taiwan, to identify likeminded allies and partners who might become public or private partners in the strategy.

(3) A systematic analysis of all IOs, as practicable, to identify IOs that best lend themselves to advancing Taiwan's participation.

(4) A plan to expand economic, security, and diplomatic engagement with nations that have demonstrably strengthened, enhanced, or upgraded relations with Taiwan, in accordance with United States interests.

(5) A survey of IOs that have allowed Taiwan's meaningful participation, including an assessment of whether any erosion in Taiwan's engagement has occurred within those organizations and how Taiwan's participation has positively strengthened the capacity and activity of these organizations, thereby providing positive models for Taiwan's inclusion in other similar forums.

(6) A list of no more than 20 IOs at which the United States Government will prioritize for using its voice, vote, and influence to advance Taiwan's meaningful participation over the three-year period following December 23, 2022. The list should be derived from the IOs identified in paragraph (3).

(7) A description of the diplomatic strategies and the coalitions the United States Government plans to develop to implement paragraph (6).

(c) Form of report

The strategy required in subsection (a) shall be classified, but it may include an unclassified summary.

(d) Support for meaningful participation

The Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations and other relevant United States officials shall actively support Taiwan's meaningful participation in all appropriate international organizations.

( Pub. L. 117–263, div. E, title LV, §5518, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3318 .)

1 So in original. Probably should be "Taiwan's".