22 USC 2719c: Facilitation and encouragement of training and professional development for Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel
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22 USC 2719c: Facilitation and encouragement of training and professional development for Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025

§2719c. Facilitation and encouragement of training and professional development for Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel

(a) Sense of Congress

It is the sense of Congress that recognition throughout the Department of the value and importance of training and professional development for Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel is vital to the development and maintenance by such personnel of the skills and expertise required for the Department to contribute fully and effectively to the conduct of the foreign affairs of the United States.

(b) Study and report

(1) In general

The Secretary, in consultation with the heads of relevant Federal agencies, shall conduct a study of the feasibility and cost of establishing a diplomatic officers' reserve corps or similar mechanism to augment the Department's personnel needs at any level on a temporary or permanent basis.

(2) Elements

In conducting the study required under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall consider whether the diplomatic officers' reserve corps should be modeled on the Senior Reserve Officers' Training Corps established under chapter 103 of title 10 to encourage the recruitment and retention of personnel who have the critical language skills necessary to meet the requirements of the Foreign Service by providing financial assistance to students studying critical languages at institutions of higher education.

(3) Report

Not later than 1 year after December 23, 2022, the Secretary shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees that contains the results of the study conducted pursuant to paragraph (1).

(c) Training and development in promotion precepts and evaluation criteria

(1) Foreign Service

The Secretary shall take appropriate action to ensure accountability and transparency in the evaluation of the precepts described in section 4003 of this title upon which the selection boards established pursuant to section 4002 of this title make recommendations for the promotion of members of the Foreign Service under section 4001 of this title by affording equal consideration to the undertaking of training, professional development, and foreign language acquisition and retention among any other objective criteria considered by selection boards in making such recommendations.

(2) Civil Service

The Secretary shall take appropriate action to ensure that the performance standards for any job performance appraisal system for Civil Service personnel of the Department afford equal consideration to the undertaking of training, professional development, and foreign language acquisition and retention among any other objective criteria in the evaluation of the job performance of such personnel.

(d) Response to subordinate training and development needs in evaluation of supervisor performance

(1) Foreign Service

The Secretary shall take appropriate action to ensure that the evaluation of precepts for recommendations for promotion described in subsection (c)(1) for members of the Foreign Service in supervisory positions incorporates the extent to which such members appropriately address the training and professional development needs of the personnel under their supervision.

(2) Civil Service

The Secretary shall take appropriate action to ensure that the performance standards described in subsection (c)(2) for Civil Service personnel of the Department in supervisory positions afford appropriate weight to addressing the training and professional development needs of the personnel under their supervision.

( Pub. L. 117–263, div. I, title XCII, §9206, Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat. 3871 .)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries


For definitions of "Department", "Secretary", and "appropriate congressional committees" as used in this section, see section 9002 of Pub. L. 117–263, set out as a note under section 2651 of this title.