20 USC 3502: Effect on personnel
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20 USC 3502: Effect on personnel Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025

§3502. Effect on personnel

(a) Non-separation or non-reduction in grade or compensation of full-time personnel and part-time personnel holding permanent positions

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the transfer pursuant to this subchapter of full-time personnel (except special Government employees) and part-time personnel holding permanent positions shall not cause any such employee to be separated or reduced in grade or compensation for one year after the date of transfer to the Department.

(b) Positions compensated in accordance with Executive Schedule

Any person who, on the day preceding May 4, 1980, held a position compensated in accordance with the Executive Schedule prescribed in chapter 53 of title 5 and who, without a break in service, is appointed in the Department to a position having duties comparable to the duties performed immediately preceding such appointment shall continue to be compensated in such new position at not less than the rate provided for such previous position, for the duration of the service of such person in such new position.

( Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §502, Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 690 .)

Editorial Notes


In subsec. (b), "May 4, 1980" substituted for "the effective date of this chapter" pursuant to section 601 of Pub. L. 96–88, set out as an Effective Date note under section 3401 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Abolished Positions Deemed Transferred

Pub. L. 96–88, title V, §508(l)(4), Oct. 17, 1979, 93 Stat. 694 , provided that: "Positions abolished as a consequence of the amendments made by this subsection [amending sections 1102, 2390, and 3012 of this title] shall, for purposes of section 502(a) [subsec. (a) of this section], be deemed to be permanent positions transferred pursuant to title V of this Act [this subchapter]."