§282a. Staff; Deputy Legislative Counsel; delegation of functions
(a) With the approval of the Speaker, or in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Speaker, the Legislative Counsel shall appoint such attorneys and other employees as may be necessary for the prompt and efficient performance of the functions of the Office. Any such appointment shall be made without regard to political affiliation and solely on the basis of fitness to perform the duties of the position. Any person so appointed may be removed by the Legislative Counsel with the approval of the Speaker, or in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Speaker.
(b)(1) The Legislative Counsel shall designate one or more of the attorneys appointed under subsection (a) as a Deputy Legislative Counsel. During the absence or disability of the Legislative Counsel, or when the office is vacant, the functions of the Legislative Counsel shall be performed by a Deputy Legislative Counsel. If there is more than one Deputy Legislative Counsel, the Deputy Legislative Counsel who shall perform such functions shall be determined in accordance with the order specified in a notice filed with the Speaker and the Minority Leader of the House by the Legislative Counsel.
(2) The Legislative Counsel may delegate to the Deputy Legislative Counsels and to other employees appointed under subsection (a) such of his functions as he considers necessary or appropriate.
Editorial Notes
2025-Subsec. (b)(1).
Subsec. (b)(2).
1971-Subsec. (b).