16 USC 3342: Annual status reports on programs; monitoring
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16 USC 3342: Annual status reports on programs; monitoring Text contains those laws in effect on March 12, 2025
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§3342. Annual status reports on programs; monitoring

(a) Reports

The State of Washington, the State of Oregon, and the appropriate tribal coordinating bodies shall submit to the appropriate Secretary an annual report on the status of the programs authorized by this chapter or any other relevant report requested by such Secretary.

(b) Monitoring

After the 18-month period after approval of the report of the Salmon and Steelhead Advisory Commission under subchapter II, the Secretary of Commerce shall establish a system to monitor and evaluate on a continuing basis whether the management program set forth in the report is being effectively implemented. If at any time after the monitoring system is established, the Secretary finds that-

(1) the number of parties referred to in section 3314 of this title has been reduced to the extent that such program cannot be implemented effectively; or

(2) the general implementation of the program is ineffective;

the Secretary shall immediately discontinue any further funding under subchapter III.

( Pub. L. 96–561, title I, §141, Dec. 22, 1980, 94 Stat. 3286 .)