§2922g. Preference for motor vehicles using electric or hybrid propulsion systems; purchase or lease of certain electric and other vehicles
(1) will meet the requirements or needs of the Department of Defense; and
(2) are commercially available at a cost, including operating cost, reasonably comparable to motor vehicles containing only an internal combustion or heat engine using combustible fuel.
(1) an electric or zero emission vehicle that uses a charging connector type (or other means to transmit electricity to the vehicle) that meets applicable industry accepted standards for interoperability and safety;
(2) an advanced-biofuel-powered vehicle; or
(3) a hydrogen-powered vehicle.
(1) the technology used in the vehicle to be purchased or leased reduces the consumption of fossil fuels compared to vehicles that use conventional internal combustion technology;
(2) the purchase or lease of such vehicle is consistent with the energy performance goals and plan of the Department of Defense required by section 2911 of this title; and
(3) the purchase or lease of a vehicle described in subsection (d) is impracticable under the circumstances.
(2) The Secretary of Defense may not delegate the waiver authority under paragraph (1).
(1) The term "advanced-biofuel-powered vehicle" includes a vehicle that uses a fuel described in section 9001(3)(A) of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 8101(3)(A)).
(2) The term "covered nontactical vehicle" means any vehicle-
(A) that is not a tactical vehicle designed for use in combat; and
(B) that is purchased or leased by the Department of Defense pursuant to a contract entered into, renewed, modified, or amended on or after October 1, 2035.
(3) The term "hydrogen-powered vehicle" means a vehicle that uses hydrogen as the main source of motive power, either through a fuel cell or internal combustion.
Editorial Notes
2024-Subsec. (g)(1).
Subsec. (a).
Subsec. (c).
Subsecs. (d) to (g).
2011-Subsec. (d).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Requirement That Electric Vehicles, Advanced-Biofuel-Powered Vehicles, or Hydrogen-Powered Vehicles Be in Compliance With Applicable Regulation
"(1) The term 'advanced-biofuel-powered vehicle' includes a vehicle that uses a fuel described in section 9001(3)(A) of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2202 [2002] (7 U.S.C. 8101(3)(A)).
"(2) The term 'charging station' means a parking space with electric vehicle supply equipment that supplies electric energy for the recharging of electric vehicles with at least a level two charger.
"(3) The term 'electric grid requirements' means the power grid and infrastructure requirements needed to support plug-in electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid requirements.
"(4) The term 'electric non-tactical vehicle' means a non-tactical vehicle that is an electric vehicle.
"(5) The terms 'electric vehicle' includes-
"(A) a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle that uses a combination of electric and gas powered engine that can use either gasoline or electricity as a fuel source; and
"(B) a plug-in electric vehicle that runs solely on electricity and does not contain an internal combustion engine or gas tank.
"(6) The term 'hydrogen-powered vehicle' means a vehicle that uses hydrogen as the main source of motive power, either through a fuel cell or internal combustion.
"(7) The term 'non-tactical vehicle' means a vehicle other than a tactical vehicle.
"(8) The term 'tactical vehicle' means a motor vehicle designed to military specification, or a commercial design motor vehicle modified to military specification, to provide direct transportation support of combat or tactical operations, or for the training of personnel for such operations."