§1558. Review of actions of selection boards: correction of military records by special boards; judicial review
(B) Such term includes a board for the correction of military records convened under section 1552 of this title, if designated as a special board by the Secretary concerned.
(C) Such term does not include a promotion special selection board convened under section 628, 14502, or 20252 of this title.
(B) Such term does not include any of the following:
(i) A promotion board convened under section 573(a), 611(a), 14101(a), or 20211 of this title.
(ii) A special board.
(iii) A special selection board convened under section 628 of this title.
(iv) A board for the correction of military records convened under section 1552 of this title.
(2)(A) A person referred to in paragraph (1) shall, with that person's consent, be restored to the same status, rights, and entitlements (less appropriate offsets against back pay and allowances) in that person's armed force as the person would have had if the person had not been selected to be involuntarily board-separated as a result of an action the record of which is corrected under subsection (a). An action under this subparagraph is subject to subparagraph (B).
(B) Nothing in subparagraph (A) may be construed to permit a person to be on active duty or in an active status in a reserve component, or the Space Force, after the date on which the person would have been separated, retired, or transferred to the Retired Reserve or to inactive status in a reserve component, or the Space Force, if the person had not been selected to be involuntarily board-separated in an action of a selection board the record of which is corrected under subsection (a).
(3) If an involuntarily board-separated person referred to in paragraph (1) does not consent to a restoration of status, rights, and entitlements under paragraph (2), the Secretary concerned shall pay that person back pay and allowances (less appropriate offsets), and shall provide that person service credit, for the period-
(A) beginning on the date of the person's separation, retirement, or transfer to the Retired Reserve or to inactive status in a reserve component, or the Space Force, as the case may be; and
(B) ending on the earlier of-
(i) the date on which the person would have been so restored under paragraph (2), as determined by the Secretary concerned; or
(ii) the date on which the person would otherwise have been separated, retired, or transferred to the Retired Reserve or to inactive status in a reserve component, or the Space Force, as the case may be.
(2) The Secretary may prescribe in the regulations under paragraph (1) the circumstances under which consideration by a special board may be provided for under this section, including the following:
(A) The circumstances under which consideration of a person's case by a special board is contingent upon application by or for that person.
(B) Any time limits applicable to the filing of an application for such consideration.
(3) Regulations prescribed by the Secretary of a military department under this subsection may not take effect until approved by the Secretary of Defense.
(2)(A) A court of the United States may review a determination by the Secretary of a military department not to convene a special board in the case of any person. In any such case, the court may set aside the Secretary's determination only if the court finds the determination to be-
(i) arbitrary or capricious;
(ii) not based on substantial evidence;
(iii) a result of material error of fact or material administrative error; or
(iv) otherwise contrary to law.
(B) If a court sets aside a determination by the Secretary of a military department not to convene a special board, it shall remand the case to the Secretary concerned, who shall provide for consideration by a special board.
(3) A court of the United States may review a recommendation of a special board or an action of the Secretary of the military department concerned on the report of a special board. In any such case, a court may set aside the action only if the court finds that the recommendation or action was-
(A) arbitrary or capricious;
(B) not based on substantial evidence;
(C) a result of material error of fact or material administrative error; or
(D) otherwise contrary to law.
(4)(A) If, six months after receiving a complete application for consideration by a special board in any case, the Secretary concerned has not convened a special board and has not denied consideration by a special board in that case, the Secretary shall be deemed for the purposes of this subsection to have denied consideration of the case by a special board.
(B) If, six months after the convening of a special board in any case, the Secretary concerned has not taken final action on the report of the special board, the Secretary shall be deemed for the purposes of this subsection to have denied relief in such case.
(C) Under regulations prescribed under subsection (e), the Secretary of a military department may waive the applicability of subparagraph (A) or (B) in a case if the Secretary determines that a longer period for consideration of the case is warranted. Such a waiver may be for an additional period of not more than six months. The Secretary concerned may not delegate authority to make a determination under this subparagraph.
(1) the jurisdiction of any court of the United States under any provision of law to determine the validity of any law, regulation, or policy relating to selection boards; or
(2) the authority of the Secretary of a military department to correct a military record under section 1552 of this title.
Editorial Notes
2024-Subsec. (b)(2)(A).
Subsecs. (b)(3), (c)(3)(A), (B)(ii).
Subsec. (b)(1)(C).
Subsec. (b)(2)(A).
Subsec. (b)(2)(B)(i).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date
Section applicable with respect to any proceeding pending on or after Dec. 28, 2001, without regard to whether a challenge to an action of a selection board of any of the Armed Forces being considered in the proceeding was initiated before, on, or after that date, but not applicable with respect to any action commenced in a court of the United States before Dec. 28, 2001, see section 503(c) of